Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Week 13: superheroes revisited

     I have always been a huge fan of modern super heroes in comics, but specifically the ones with good stories. When I went to the book store of comic shop, I would always try to find the best art and stories in comics and read them and study them. This week I read Grant Morrison's Arkham Asylum and also a few issues of the Vertigo comic Fables.
     To start off, Arkham Asylum is easily one of the most beautiful comics I have ever seen and the art is beyond twisted and terrifying. For being a Batman comic, it was not very heavy on him, but for this book, he is not the most important character. The main story that interweaves is the story of Amadeus Arkham and how after a successful career and creation of the asylum, he eventually goes completely crazy. The book is incredibly cerebral and psychological and the depiction of the main villains is nightmarish. In terms of stories, it is rare to find one as good as this one. Many books are very shallow and too action oriented, and some others are just downright confusing. I remember I read another of Morrison's books: Final Crisis.

      Many people, myself included are incredibly confused and sometimes upset with Final Crisis. It's the type of book that after you finish it you put it down and say "what the hell did I just read." The same thing happens while you are reading as well. While the story of Final Crisis is good at heart, it is so confusing and has way too many plots that eventually it just becomes an endurance challenge of trying to figure out the plot.

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